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Butt sweat: What it is & how to stop it

Posted by Quinn L.



Butt sweat: What it is & how to stop it

Is there anything manlier than working up a good sweat? There might be, but we’re not worrying about that right now. Instead, we’re going to focus on the sweat thing.

When you get nice and drippy from a good workout or a really stressful elevator ride, life can get a little awkward. Your sweat doesn’t exactly smell like roses, and even though you wear deodorant and shower like a grownup, a good sweat can smell something fierce.

That’s especially true around the groin and butt. When you can smell your own stink through more than one layer of clothes, you know you need a better plan.

So, we’re going to talk about the elephant in the room. Your butt sweats (also referred to as swamp ass). It stinks. Nobody likes it. Everyone notices (even if they don’t say anything). You need a deeper understanding of what is happening and what you can do about it. While you might know how to deal with sweaty balls, dealing with butt sweat is yet another problem men must deal with.

man playing basketball

What you need to know about butt sweat

Obviously, you know that your butt can sweat. And, you know what sweat is. You get that it’s a natural mechanism that helps you stay cool when you would otherwise overheat. If it’s a hot day, your butt is going to get swampy. If you’re putting in a vigorous workout, it’s going to be a smelly swamp, too.

While that’s all good and well, there are some things you probably don’t know about your own butt and its sweating habits. As the old saying goes, knowledge is power, so let’s take a deeper look into the world of butt sweat (awkward phrasing intended).

Sometimes you sweat more when you’re cold

Technically, this little fact isn’t limited to your butt, but it happens in the crack, too. We’re not even talking about stress sweating here. Sometimes, when you’re cold, your body does things to heat up a bit.

You might shiver. You might put on a jacket or a blanket. There are countless ways to warm up, but here’s the kicker: Your butt is rarely the coldest part of your body. It’s under multiple layers of clothing, and if you’re sitting on something that isn’t frigid, your butt is already toasty. When your body tries to warm up, the butt gets extra hot and will dump a lot of sweat.

So, butt sweats are not a seasonal issue, and this can apply to your groin, thighs, and armpits, too.

Diet affects sweat

This isn’t just about eating healthy, although that does matter. Meat sweats are a thing. Spicy food can make you glisten. There’s a lot that happens.

On top of all of that, your blood sugar can impact your sweat levels. In particular, when your blood sugar is low, you tend to sweat more, in the butt as well as everywhere else. Some doctors think it’s related to fight and flight.

When your blood sugar is low, your body literally thinks that it is starving. So, it might use adrenaline and similar hormones to compensate. Those hormones can increase cellular activity (even though your blood sugar is low). Ultimately, this creates body heat, and you get to sweat more.

Sometimes, a snack can help with those butt sweats. It’s especially true if you have medical conditions related to chronic hypoglycemia, diabetes or thyroid issues.

Butt sweat sucks

Let’s not be ridiculous. Sweat isn’t necessarily a huge problem, but sweat in your crack can stick around for a while and leave you damp and sticky. The word “moist” comes to mind.

This creates an ideal situation for bacteria and fungi to grow fast. Such growth can lead to skin infections, and they are not fun. Controlling your butt sweat is important to your general health.

crop preserver

What can you do about butt sweat?

You’ve learned more than you bargained for when it comes to butt sweat. Some of those tidbits can help you think about how to plan around sweat, but they aren’t really solutions in and of themselves.

Assuming you’re eating properly, you need a few more tricks in the bag to keep the butt sweat at bay. Fortunately, we have some good ones. You can invest in products that help, and you can think about how to manage your body temperature a little bit better. Additionally, managing some of the inevitable sweat that comes from your bottom is important.

Get a good deodorant

You’ve used deodorant long enough. You get the idea. A good deodorant — and especially a good antiperspirant — can really help turn off the flow of sweat.

There’s a problem, though. Most deodorants are designed to handle your armpits, and they can do very uncomfortable things to the sensitive skin of your butt.

The good news is that Crop Preserver® Ball Deodorant is designed for your balls and groin region. It’s also safe around the butt. It can help you manage your sweat and prevent sogginess before it happens. The deodorant will also help you smell fresh when you need that the most.

Rethink hygiene

When your skin is dirty, it gets stressed out. This can lead to additional sweat. It also makes the sweat smell a lot worse. So, you want to regularly clean your ass (a no-brainer). But, you want to use a soap that helps get a deep clean without drying out your skin.

That’s why you need Crop Cleanser® Groin Wash. It’s designed for the nether regions. It’s gentle, but it has exfoliating ingredients that help get the pores truly cleared without brutal scrubbing. It also moisturizes to keep your skin from getting dry and exacerbating swamp butt issues.

crop cleanser

Improve your clothing & change more regularly

Breathable clothing helps you stay cool. Everyone knows that, but even with the coolest clothing, you’ll still sweat. The most important thing is to have clothes that wick moisture, and that’s especially important for your underwear. If it traps moisture, then you’re going to get into a feedback loop that keeps your rear end damp. We already discussed how that causes problems.

Wicking materials keep the flesh dry. That actually helps your skin to cool down better and sweat a little less. More importantly, it combats unpleasant microbial growth and the bad friction that comes with being wet for a long period of time. Moisture-wicking also helps with the smell.

So, if you want underwear that is comfortable and wicks moisture, consider MANSCAPED™ Boxers. They’re designed specifically for performance below the waist.



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