Taking care of your body is a lot of work. You have to exercise on a regular basis. You can’t always have pizza for dinner, and when it comes to things like skincare, it’s like there’s a whole hidden world.
Did you know you’re supposed to use a different lotion just for your face?!
It’s a lot, but you don’t have to master everything on your own. In fact, when it comes to male grooming, you have a powerful ally in your corner: MANSCAPED®.
We’ve been at this for a while, and one of our goals is to try to make information regarding this kind of stuff more accessible. With that in mind, we’re going to take you through a crash course on grooming essentials for every man. In fact, we have eight that we want to explain, focusing on different parts of your body.
Are you ready to learn something? Great! Let’s get started.
For your head
Ultra Premium™ Shampoo + Conditioner
Look. When you want a good haircut, you should probably pay a professional to do it for you. Go see a barber or a stylist, or if you’re feeling adventurous, let your cousin who is “learning to cut hair” give it a try.
For the moments in between haircuts, you need to take care of your beautiful locks, and for that, you want Ultra Premium™ Shampoo + Conditioner.
As the name makes clear, this is a two-in-one product. It has all of the elements of a great shampoo and a powerful conditioner, and together, the formulas will keep your hair clean, shiny, and healthy.
And for those of you worried about keeping your hair around over the years, we can’t promise to overcome your unfortunate genetic circumstances, but healthy hair certainly has a better chance of putting up a good fight than unhealthy hair.
Taking care of your face
The Beard Hedger™
When it comes to grooming your face, a good beard trimmer is invaluable. This is the tool you use to carefully maintain a perfect five o’clock shadow. It’s also something you can use to cut your beard down to size if you’re due for a little bit of direct sunlight on your face.
The Beard Hedger™ is an all-around tool. It has adjustable cutting lengths to give you freedom with your beard style. The blades are stainless steel, so you can get them wet and they won’t rust. The whole thing is cordless, making it that much easier to use and maintain. It’s a key weapon in your beard grooming arsenal.
The Plow® 2.0
Then again, there are times when you need to do more than just trim the beard. Sometimes, you need a proper shave, and for that, we stand by a classic: The Plow® 2.0.
It’s a double-edge safety razor, and it’s optimized for cutting clean lines on your face. You can use it to maintain pristine edges for your beard. You can also use it to get your face baby smooth when that’s what you want.
After all, when the occasion demands a clean shave, there are no substitutes. That’s how we feel about The Plow® 2.0 as well.
Beard oil
As we have made painfully clear by now, grooming isn’t just about cutting hair. It’s also about hair health, and your beard deserves every bit as much love as the hair on top of your head. After all, your beard won’t stop growing in another 10 to 20 years (we promise to lay off the bald jokes, eventually).
Beard oil is a simple product. It’s designed to hydrate your beard and the skin under it, and at the same time, it offers properties that help you style your beard. The oil adds a little shine to the look, and it makes beard maintenance that much easier.
As for MANSCAPED® Beard Oil, it’s our own special brand, and we infused it with some nutrients that will help your beard stay soft, full, and beautiful.
Never neglect your body
The Lawn Mower® 4.0
How can we talk about grooming essentials without bringing it back to our flagship tool, The Lawn Mower® 4.0? At this point, the Lawn Mower® series is a classic in the world of male grooming, and the 4.0 at the end of the name is proof that we never stop pursuing real perfection.
The Lawn Mower® 4.0 is a body groomer that is designed to handle all of the nooks and crannies of your anatomy. We even put an LED light on the thing, just in case you think we aren’t serious.
It’s packed with features. It uses ceramic blades that are easy to replace. The whole thing is waterproof. It’s entirely wireless (it even comes with a wireless charger). We’ve thought of so much that we put a travel switch on the trimmer so that you can make sure it doesn’t accidentally go off when it’s in your luggage. That’s never a fun conversation to have with airport security . . .
The Lawn Mower® is proven. If you have any ambitions that involve grooming body hair, this is your staple tool.
Ultra Premium™ Body Wash
We make shampoo. We’ve covered conditioner. We even included our Beard Oil. Of course we’re going to add a great body wash into the mix.
Ultra Premium™ Body Wash is made with the same high-quality fragrance as our two-in-one shampoo. Beyond that, the body wash is designed to do good things across your body. It will soften body hair. It will hydrate your skin. It’s even pH balanced to optimize skin health. We’re pretty serious about this stuff.
If you add Ultra Premium™ Body Wash to your regular showers, we can guarantee that you’ll smell great and feel even better. You’ll also grow three inches taller and win an Olympic medal.
But seriously, we did engineer this formula to be really good for your skin, and unless you’re already using premium stuff, you’ll feel the difference.
Crop Preserver®
So far, everything we’ve covered today is pretty intuitive. It makes sense to have a good shampoo and body wash, and a beard trimmer and razor are natural things to have in a grooming collection.
Crop Preserver® is where you can distinguish yourself from less civilized men.
If you’re reading this, then you probably have not already joined the masses who are enthralled by Crop Preserver®, so allow us a moment to explain. It’s a ball deodorant.
Now, already, you’re thinking, “Why am I not using ball deodorant?” You see, you’re a smart fellow, and you know that your balls can get downright raunchy from time to time. It makes sense to throw a little deodorant down there, and if you’ve thought about it for more than half a second, you realize that you want something specifically formulated to be gentle with your boys.
Crop Preserver® does all of that, and you’re headed down a good track, but you’re seriously underestimating one of our favorite products.
You see, Crop Preserver® isn’t just reducing sweat and making your stinky bits smell pretty after a long day. It’s designed to improve skin health around the balls, and it’s engineered to make you feel better downstairs. No, really.
We have a formula that reduces friction. It also hydrates your skin while preventing excess perspiration (but without any unwanted additives). With a little bit of aloe infusion, it keeps you feeling cool even through all of those layers of clothing. Crop Preserver® is what your balls have been missing, and as soon as you start using it, you’ll wonder how you used to get through the day without it.
Foot Duster®
After all of that talk about ball deodorant, you came to the next obvious conclusion, didn’t you? You have deodorant for your pits, and now you can have it for your balls. What’s the other obvious smelly part of your body?
Allow us to remind you about Foot Duster®. As you no doubt have guessed, it’s a deodorant for your foot.
Now, we rave about Crop Preserver®, but we didn’t slack off when we designed Foot Duster®. It’s a powerful foot deodorant that really does keep your feet from becoming stinky pools of grossness.
Even so, we focused on natural and safe ingredients, and this formula is free of aluminum and parabens, and it’s completely vegan. Using good stuff like tea tree oil, Foot Duster® keeps your feet feeling cool. If you’ve never used a foot deodorant before, you’re ready to enjoy the benefits.
And everything else
We promised you eight essentials, and that promise has been fulfilled. But if you think about it, there are plenty of other great grooming tools and formulas that you might want in your bag. A good nose hair trimmer is always nice. You might prefer beard balm over beard oil, and why wouldn’t you want a specialized razor for grooming the groin area?
MANSCAPED® has a complete suite of options. When it comes to male grooming, we have what you need. Just browse the website and have some fun.