Razor burn is like a cruel cosmic joke. Society demands that you shave, and then nature punishes you for it with red splotchy skin and relentless itching and irritation. Why do men have to put up with it?
Well, when you know more about razor burn, you’ll find that you don’t have to put up with it at all. You can beat it, and we’re going to teach you how.
What is razor burn?
You are familiar with the redness and burning sensation that can plague a man after a shave. But, do you know what is really happening there? It’s not like your razor is on fire when you shave (unless you’re just that awesome).
There is a biological response that happens, and that’s why you feel the burn. When you understand that process, you will be better equipped to prevent and treat razor burn when it does happen.
You don’t have to live with this forever. You can just beat back razor burn with science and knowledge.
What causes the burn?
Razor burn is basically skin irritation in response to you scraping your face with your razor. That might sound dramatic, but when you really think about it, that’s what’s happening.
When you go for a close shave, it inevitably pulls up some skin cells along the way. If the skin damage is severe enough (and it doesn’t take a whole lot), your body has to respond to the damage.
That’s what razor burn really is. It’s the response. Your skin will go into crisis mode. The redness is from an increase in blood flow to the area to help the skin heal and recover faster. This extra blood makes the skin more sensitive, and the minor damage that was easy to ignore earlier starts to itch or burn.
It all stems from how your body responds to shaving. That said, you’ll find that how you shave has a big impact on razor burn.
How long does it last?
The length is a case-by-case kind of thing. It really depends on how long your skin takes to heal. When your body no longer thinks that the skin is in a crisis, the extra blood flow will go away. The sensitivity will go away too, and you’ll feel normal again.
This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. It depends on the severity of the damage, how quickly you heal, and what treatments you use to help the whole thing get better.
How do you get rid of the burn?
Now that you know a little more about what is happening, we can get into the good stuff. What do you do to get rid of razor burn?
The first thing you want to do is prevent it. For this, you want to minimize skin damage when you shave, and there are two ways to do that. First, you can make sure you always use a sharp, clean razor blade. With a two-edge safety razor, like The Plow® 2.0, this is really easy. As soon as the blade is the least bit dull, swap the blade. They’re cheap and easy to change. Take advantage of that.
When the blade is sharp, it cuts the hair more easily. That means you can take fewer strokes, and it glides on your skin better. That leads to smoother shaving, and it causes less skin damage.
Your other option is to not use a razor at all. When you use a trimmer like The Lawn Mower® 4.0, you eliminate the primary cause of razor burn. The trimmer doesn’t have to come into direct contact with your skin. That means there is no skin damage, and you don’t have razor burn.
If you have particularly sensitive skin, consider using a trimming guard. The shave won’t be as close, but you also won’t be in misery.
Treating your face
When it’s time for your glorious beard to take a seat and reveal the attractive face underneath, razor burn is a big concern.
When you face razor burn despite your best efforts, you want treatment. Anything that soothes the skin is your friend. Aloe vera products can help your skin feel better and recover faster. Unscented, aloe-based lotions are the best.
The lotion helps with dryness, which reduces the total problem your body is trying to fix. The aloe stimulates recovery and reduces irritation.
You want to avoid heavily scented products because the oils and ingredients that create the scent can add to the total irritation your skin is experiencing. There are natural ingredients that can scent a lotion and not cause problems, but if you’re ever unsure, you can err on the safe side.
Taking care of the boys
Taking care of your face is important, but razor burn under the shorts is just the worst. Hopefully, you’re taking care to prevent the situation, but sometimes it happens all the same.
You still want to soothe the skin here, but things are a lot more sensitive and delicate. There are two products that can help you moisturize down there to minimize the burn. Both of them use aloe as an active ingredient.
The first is Crop Preserver®. This ball deodorant will help you control moisture. It also reduces friction and chafing, which is essential when your skin is already sensitive. The other is Crop Reviver® ball toner. This is specifically designed to moisturize your nether regions and help your skin recover from shaving damage. Both of these products use natural ingredients for the scents, so they won’t cause any additional irritation.
There you go. You know the secrets of razor burn and how to beat it, upstairs and downstairs. Use this knowledge wisely.