So you're interested in learning how to shave your legs using the Manscaped™ Lawn Mower® 4.0, fabulous! Here is how to shave your legs in three easy steps:
1.) Start by using guards
Your legs are probably the easiest part of your body to shave with the Lawn Mower® 4.0 because:
- You can see everything
- Most of the surfaces are flat or round
This does not mean that it's impossible to run into any nicks or snags. Because of this, we recommend always starting by using your guards and working your way down from there.
2.) Ensure that you are holding the trimmer correctly
Many guys will start by pointing the blades directly at their skin; this is incorrect and could lead to cuts and snags. Instead, hold the back of the body groomer against your skin and allow it to glide as you trim.
3.) Hold your skin taut in areas with loose skin
Areas where skin bunches up, like around your knee or ankles, can propose a problem. Ensure that you are holding the skin taut and taking your time around these areas to avoid cuts and snags.
Problem areas to look out for
- The front of your knee
- The back of a knee
- Around your ankles
The reason these areas can be more challenging is the number of angles you will need to maneuver.
Again, you can avoid any issues you may run into by pulling the skin taut and taking your time to groom a single small area at a time.
If you're interested in learning about the benefits of using the Lawn Mower® 4.0 or would like to buy now, we've got you covered.