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How to use The Lawn Mower® 3.0

Posted by Quinn L.



How to Use The Lawn Mower® 3.0

We're happy for you. You're investing in the best male grooming tool in the business. If you already have The Lawn Mower® 3.0 trimmer in your grip, you'll be ready to groom very soon. If you're waiting on a delivery, this is an excellent opportunity to learn some stuff in anticipation of getting your new favorite toy.

Today, we're going to explain how to use The Lawn Mower 3.0 trimmer. It has a few functions, so we will split the lesson and discuss trimming, shaving, and sculpting.

For Trimming

Trimming is the bread and butter of The Lawn Mower 3.0 trimmer. It's in the name. We designed it for trimming body hair, and that's where it shines. It's so good that you can pretty much wing it and get decent results.

Then again, having a plan and knowing what you're doing couldn't hurt, so let's cover that.

Trimming with The Lawn Mower is pretty simple, but a few best practices go a long way. The first is to think about clean up before you start grooming. There are a few ways to go about it, but you don't want to have to scrub your bathroom every time you shorten your body hair.

Most guys fall into one of two camps. They either trim in the shower, or they trim over something that can catch the mess. If newspapers were still a thing, they would be perfect. Since they aren't something people have anymore, you can use the Magic Mat™ shaving mat. It performs the same function, but it's a little more fun than boring old news.

So, let's diverge the two trimming methods based on your cleanup idea. If you're going to trim in the shower, things get pretty straightforward. Take a mirror into the shower so you can see. Keep the water warm but not super steamy. Wash first; then, trim. Doing it this way keeps things cleaner and helps the trimmer not clog with whatever you have going on before you shower. When you're done, rinse the trimmer.

It's pretty straightforward, but there is one catch. If you don't get something for your drain, it's going to eventually clog. Invest in a drain catch and empty the hair after every trim. You'll be fine.

If you go for a dry trim, we recommend doing it before you shower. You can do your trimming (maybe wipe yourself down first if you're having an extra-gross day). Trim over your mat, and when you're done, you can simply toss it. Follow up with a shower to rinse the hair clippings and avoid itchy side-effects.

In either case, The Lawn Mower 3.0 trimmer is adjustable. There are a few cutting guards. Until you've experimented and know precisely how long you like your body hair, we recommend you start with the longest setting and work your way down. Nobody enjoys ball stubble. It's something to think about.

the lawn mower boxed

For Shaving

While The Lawn Mower excels at trimming, we also designed it for shaving. Let's deal with the technical guys reading first. There is a difference between shaving with a trimmer and using a static razor blade. We get that, but The Lawn Mower can get a close enough trim that you would feel comfortable calling it a shave.

Shaving with the trimmer is very much like trimming, but there are differences. You'll want to trim before you go for the shave. Even though you're using the same device, you want to get the hair short with your shortest trimming guard. After that, you can remove the guard and get as close as possible. Doing it in stages makes it easier to see what you're doing, handle the hair and get a precise shave.

Still, you want to rinse thoroughly after a shave. Hair clippings are even worse when you shave than when you do a long trim.

For Sculpting

We call the company Manscaped™. We know about sculpting body hair into creative designs and fun styles, and we designed The Lawn Mower 3.0 trimmer to do amazing sculpting. You can do precision work with this trimmer to get fun shapes or aesthetics through your male grooming.

If you're brave, you can browse Google images or Reddit for inspiration. If you're not feeling brave, look up creative beards and steal some ideas. They transfer surprisingly well.

If you want to express creativity in your male grooming, you need two things: knowledge and practice. Practice is the most important, so we recommend trying things out when you don't have a hot date planned. Take advantage of that downtime and see how some of your ideas pan out.

As for knowledge, techniques for using a trimmer go a long way. Spend some time with your favorite grooming vloggers. They'll teach you tricks to get an even fade, carve pristine lines into the hair, curve nicely, and how to control the body trimmer. When you have these techniques under your belt (pun intended), you can apply them to your creative ideas and develop some interesting and unique looks for your manhood. We fully encourage this.

For Mowing Lawns

lawn mower in use

It's in the name, right? Sure, you can sculpt your body hair, but The Lawn Mower trimmer shines when it comes to grooming actual grass. How do you think PGA golf courses get those putting greens so pristine?

A few more honorable mentions can boost how creatively you think about using your trimmer. It's amazing for creating "zany" comedy scenes in movies and TV. Your Tik Tok audience would love to see some of that!

Your trimmer can also be a great ice breaker at family dinners and get-togethers. Bust it out at the table. Groom right in front of them while they eat. It's the perfect bonding experience!

The trimmer also makes for a great item on a trophy case. When it's prominently displayed, any lady who comes over can know what to expect if she dares to enter the bedroom with you. It can't go wrong.

Do we need a disclaimer that these are jokes? You're not going to strip at the dinner table, right, or take your trimmer to your lawn, ok?

Complementing Your Lawn Mower

We've had fun. Let's end this with some more useful tips. Your trimmer can handle cutting body hair. It doesn't need help. You might have noticed that we failed to mention lube when we talked about trimming and shaving. That's because you won't need it.

No, the extras that help your Lawn Mower trimmer come into play after you're done with grooming altogether. We offer a few products that make the entire process easier on your body and more pleasant in general.

The first is Crop Cleanser™ body wash. Showering is part of your routine, so you might as well boost your shower with an amazing cleanser. The formula here will help your skin and hair, and it smells pretty good.

MANSCAPED Crop Preserver

After your shower, you can apply a little Crop Preserver® ball deodorant. That's our cult-fave product. It keeps you smelling fresh, but just as important, it keeps you feeling your best. It will help reduce friction and keep the boys cool throughout the day.

We also have Crop Reviver® toner with Aloe Vera. If your grooming is ever hard on the skin, this stuff will revitalize you quickly. The toner also serves as a refreshing spray on a long day. Ball deodorant is amazing, but even it has limits. Crop Reviver ball toner is the key to overcoming those limits.

manscaped boxers

The last one we'll mention today is Manscaped Boxers. You're going to wear underwear. You should invest in boxers that feel incredible. Our boxers have moisture-wicking fabric that keeps you cool and dry. They also have an anti-chafing weave that keeps you from rubbing your freshly groomed skin raw. When it comes to comfort, these boxers are big-time winners.

That covers everything for today. The Lawn Mower 3.0 trimmer is the only tool you need to trim, shave, and sculpt. For best results, complement it with our male body care products, and you'll feel like a whole new man.



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