For some men, entering the world of male grooming is difficult. You have to overcome some serious mental barriers before you're ready to embrace a new way of life. Below-the-waist grooming will change your way of life. All people talk about it making your junk look bigger or helping you in bed; the real benefit is that it feels great. You won't realize how much you hate your private hair until you get it under control. So, if you're ready to jump some hurdles, we're going to help you get started on your journey. Here are a few things you might not know about private grooming.
It's Not as Scary as You Think
The first thing to remember about grooming the goods is that you're in control. If you have a condition where you can't trust your own hands with a trimmer or a razor, then you shouldn't be grooming your privates. Otherwise, it's up to you how scary this process is. You can start simply. Just use an electric trimmer with sufficient safety designs, and it will be legitimately difficult to hurt yourself. The Lawn Mower™ 4.0 trimmer is the perfect first trimmer because safety is its leading design concept.
As long as you aren't injuring yourself, there's nothing at all to fear. Your first grooming session may be clunky and far from your greatest work. That doesn't matter. Pubes grow back, and you'll be a fuzzy mess in no time. The other thing to remember is that we live in a society where you cannot expose yourself anyways. If you have an optical mishap, just keep your pants on until the hairs are long enough for another try. It's easy.
Things Can Still Go Wrong
We don't want you to be afraid, but some caution is prudent. If you use The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer, you're going to have very little to worry about in terms of safety. It has vibration dampening, heat reduction, and possibly the safest blade ever put on a body groomer. It's also powerful enough that you don't have to worry about your hairs tugging or getting caught.
Private Hair Is Scruffier Than You Think
This might be the friendliest advice we can give you. We're going to assume you've shaved your face at least once in your life, so you know how scruffy a five o'clock shadow is. Here's the thing you don't know. Your private hair is tougher and wirier than your facial hair. The shadow down there will become absolute sandpaper; this is why you want to be selective about when, where, and how you shave.
Here's the first tip: skin that comes in contact with your ball sack should not be shaved. Some people are dedicated enough to shave every day and keep it under control, but without that much effort, you'll be sanding your sack. Once will be enough to teach you that lesson.
Here's your second tip: trimming too short is the same as shaving; this is especially true with the trimmer, as it can get an extremely close trim. If you're worried about prickly hair, use a cutting guard. You can get a great aesthetic without cropping to the skin. Think about buzz cuts and crew cuts as an example. They look maintained, but they aren't stabbing any lovely ladies in the face when they're trying to do something nice for you. Be a gentleman.
Cutting the Hair Is Only Part of the Equation
Even experienced groomers mess up on this. When you trim and shave, you cause damage to your skin. There's no way around it. The blades scrape up against the flesh, and they pull a layer of dead skin with them. That alone wouldn't be so bad, but the process also shaves away the outermost defensive layer in your immune system. To simplify, there is an oily layer of mild acid all over your body. Its biological purpose is to help keep microorganisms at bay, and it's pretty good at it. When you scrape it away, you increase the risk of bacterial and fungal infections. You don't want athlete's foot on your balls, so pay attention to the next part.
You can keep your skin safe without abandoning grooming. All you need to do is schedule your shower after your grooming. If you read enough blogs, you'll see a lot of advice contrary to this. They're all wrong; this is science, not convenience. When you shower, you want to keep the water warm but not hot. You're going to use Crop Cleanser™ body wash, and you're going to gently exfoliate the skin that was groomed (you can do your whole body while you're at it); this is going to do a few things.
First, it's going to remove clipped hair that can irritate your skin. At the same time, it's going to remove other dead skin and debris on the surface. Despite what you just read, this is important. You've already removed the acid mantle; now you need to get the rest of the dead cells out of the way. The replacement mantle will partially be secreted through your pores. If they're clogged, the process takes longer.
Crop Cleanser® is a formula that is designed to help compensate for a damaged acid layer. It will help keep things under control until your natural barrier is fully restored. On top of all of that, Crop Cleanser will help maintain optimal moisture levels. If your skin is too dry, your body will overcompensate, and you'll produce too much acidic oil. If it's not dry enough, you get the opposite problem. Crop Cleanser is engineered to hit that sweet spot.
Of course, it works best when you give it a little help. If your shower is followed by applying Crop Preserver™ ball deodorant and Crop Reviver™ ball toner, you will enhance the recovery process and feel like a new man by the end of the day. Well, you'll probably already feel like a new man with all of that hair removed, but you get the point. Crop Preserver is a special deodorant that is designed for your balls. It adds an element to the moisture control of Crop Cleanser by utilizing a talcum-like gel. That will keep your stuff feeling cool and keep you from sweating too much. Crop Reviver is a spritz that enables you to tweak your moisture levels throughout the day. Start with a single application after your deodorant and play around with how much you use until it feels just right.
Male grooming is an art, but art is always enhanced with science. At MANSCAPED.COM, we bring you both. We engineer the tools that help you do your best work, and we keep the conversation alive to help you discuss your art. If you're ready to learn about a whole world that is only just coming into view, spend some time browsing our pages. There's more to learn than you might imagine.