How’s your skin?
Do you even think about that question very often? For a lot of guys, it’s easy to ignore skincare and skin health and just go through life. Unless you have an active skin problem, many of you ignore your skin altogether. You shower regularly, so that’s enough, right?
Well, no.
The truth is that your skin needs maintenance. Modern men live active lives, and despite technological advances, a lot of us are pretty rugged in how we treat our skin.
That means you need a good skincare routine that keeps your skin healthy and looking great. Adopting such a routine will help you look sexier. Better than that, it’ll feel great.
So, MANSCAPED™ is here to save the day again. Below, you’ll find the best skincare routine for men.
Follow these steps every day
The truth is that a perfect skincare routine has to be adaptive. We don’t all need the exact same things because we have different bodies. That’s fine.
That said, there are a few things that can reasonably go into every daily skincare routine, and we’re going to start with those. First up, let’s discuss skincare for your face.
Wash your face
Every day should begin with a clean face. Washing your face does not have to literally be the very first thing you do. It doesn’t even have to be before breakfast. You can make your own routine.
The point here is that you should wash your face before doing the other things on this list, and you should wash your face every single morning. It’s that important.
When you don’t, your pores get dirt and oil in them. You grow microbes. Your skin has a hard time regulating natural oils. Everything is out of whack, and over time, that puts more strain on your skin.
If you want to have a sexy face when you’re well past retirement age, this is the most important step.
Now, some of you might be wondering about washing the rest of your body. That also matters, but for the most part, people wash in the shower, and we’re going to talk about showering a little later. It’s trickier than it sounds.
Washing your face, though, isn’t tricky at all. With or without a shower, you need to do it every single morning.
The other most important thing you need to do every day is moisturize. You should moisturize your face after you wash it. Washing your face dries out the skin a little. Moisturizing undoes that. Also, moisturizing is part of how people look way younger than they have any right to look. It prevents wrinkling and all kinds of skin damage.
Moisturizing is just super important. If you moisturize your face every single day, then everything else will fall in line.
Block the sun
The last thing you should do with your daily morning skincare routine is apply sunblock. A lot of facial lotions have some SPF in them, and for most people, that’s enough. Unless you work outside (or otherwise spend hours outside every day), you usually don’t need more than an SPF 15, but with the way climate change is going, we’d up it to SPF 30 just to be safe.
This little bit of sunblock dramatically reduces UV damage to your skin. That sounds nice, right? It lowers the risk of skin cancer, and it’s another way to keep your skin looking nice and young.
Now, if you are planning to be outside all day, then you might need to beef up your SPF rating to something crazy like 50, and you’ll need to reapply sunblock throughout the day. Adjust your routine accordingly.
Wash your face again
At the end of the day, before you go to bed, wash your face again. If you start and end your day with a clean face, you’re in good shape. Your skin doesn’t really get much chance to build up any chronic issues that relate to an unwashed face.
Also, modern facial washes have moisturizing properties, and that’s enough to largely mitigate the drying effects of a face wash. You only really need to moisturize your face once a day, but if the routine leaves you feeling dry, then you can moisturize again at night too. For most guys, it won’t be necessary.
Where do showers fit in?
That covers a daily routine for your face, but all things considered, that represents a minority of the skin on your body.
We’re emphasizing the face first for a couple of reasons. First, it’s what people tend to notice the most about you. So, if you want your skincare routine to also help you look more attractive, it’s only natural to focus on your face.
Second, facial skin is more sensitive and requires more maintenance than most of your body. Your body, arms, and legs are pretty easy to take care of. Clean them regularly, and use lotion. If you’re going to be outside, use sunblock too. That’s really enough for a healthy daily routine, and a lot of that is handled when you shower.
You do need to think about groin care, but we’ll get to that in the next section.
For now, let’s talk about showering.
If you ask a hundred dermatologists how often you should shower, you’ll get a hundred answers. You’ll also hear one nugget of truth over and over again: it depends.
If you smell bad, shower. It doesn’t matter if you have to shower multiple times a day, don’t be the stinky kid.
That said, most people can get away with one shower a day, and on days when you’re home and not really doing anything, you can sometimes skip a shower. There are dermatologists who would say that only showering twice a week is ideal.
That’s because showering, while essential for hygiene, is hard on your skin. Most of us shower in tap water, and it has hard chemicals in it (like chlorine and calcium) that dry out skin. These chemicals aren’t going to cause burning or hurt you, but perpetually dry skin ages quickly, and that’s one of the things we’re trying to overcome.
So, what’s the answer?
Well, we have to refer to the first point. If you get smelly any day that you skip a shower (we’re not judging; it happens to plenty of us here at the office), then you need to shower every day. You want to avoid showering multiple times a day, but sometimes a workout or other event will force your hand.
What this means is that you need a good shower routine, so here are some tips.
- When you do shower, you should wash your scalp (and hair) and all of your body, but you can actually skip your face. You’ve already baked that into your daily routine, and leaving your face mostly out of the shower is actually good for your skin.
You should wash with a hydrating formula (our Body Wash is perfect). This takes the edge off of the harshness of showering and makes a huge difference.
- Also, you should use lotion after you shower. Whether you start or end your day with a shower (or have a more interesting routine), the shower itself is the harshest part of the day for your skin. Dry off thoroughly, and then apply lotion. That one addition to your routine will allow you to shower as often as you like without any real skin detriments.
Do these things for your man parts
We’re making progress. We’ve covered facial care and most of your body. The last part of your daily routine should be specialized for your groin, and this is our specialty, so pay attention.
- First, you should wash your groin every time you shower. If you really want the best results, though, use Crop Cleanser®. This is a body wash that is formulated specifically for male parts. It’s gentle, smells good, and promotes very healthy skin down there. We made it on purpose to do these things.
- After you shower, you want to do a little more skin care in the nether regions. Namely, apply Crop Preserver® and Crop Reviver®. This is a one-two punch that moisturizes your groin while also working to optimize your skin’s pH in the area. It promotes healthy skin on a level you won’t expect if you’ve never tried it before. These products replace lotion specifically in the groin area.
That’s sufficient for a daily routine. Your balls will be very happy with you if you keep up with these practices.
Follow these steps at least once a week
We’re calling it the best skincare routine, and that means that there’s more to the process than the daily steps. There are a couple of other things that you need to do on a regular basis to elevate your skincare game to the highest level.
For those of you who don’t follow us religiously (what’s up with that?), let’s take a minute to talk about exfoliation. This is a practice where you use an agitator to physically remove dead skin cells and other things from the pores of your skin. It leaves your skin feeling soft and, frankly, fantastic. Once you get used to exfoliating, you won’t go back.
Too much exfoliating can be hard on the skin. Ideally, you want to do it once a week, and you can do it in the shower to make life easy.
The key to exfoliating is to use a gentle application. For most of your body, you can simply wash with a loofah, and it will do the job. If your skin needs a little something extra, you can get chemical exfoliators that help break up skin cells and oils that clog your pores.
If you are using chemical exfoliators, then things are a little more complicated. A general exfoliator does not belong on the top of your head, your face, or your genitals. There are specialized formulas for those areas.
For your scalp, most anti-dandruff shampoos include chemical exfoliators. It’s actually the secret to how they work.
For your face, you’ll want a specialized formula, and you can add weekly exfoliation to your morning face washing routine.
As for the groin, we make the best stuff in the business: Crop Exfoliator™. Again, you only need to do this once a week. Simply apply the formula to a loofah and clean your groin with it. It does the rest.
The last bit of skin care is grooming. You need to control your body hair. If you don’t it traps sweat, bacteria, and other problematic things against your skin, and all of your efforts are undone.
Grooming is a little all over the place. Some people need a haircut every week and a shave twice a day. Other guys only shave once a month. You have to adapt your grooming routine to your body.
Regardless of all of that, there are two things we want to emphasize. Whenever you do groom, exfoliate first. This helps reduce the risk of ingrown hairs after a shave and helps the grooming process go better.
That said, you still don’t need to exfoliate more than once a week. The point is to try to time exfoliation and grooming so that they go together.
The other thing is that you should moisturize after you groom. Every time you shave your face, moisturize afterward. That goes for any body grooming as well.
Do these things, and you’re good to go.