Whenever you finally manage to steal away a little free time, we know what you do with it. The secret is out. You wistfully think of all the ways you wish your men's grooming trimmer was better. Do you want to know a secret? We do the same thing. That's why we created The Lawn Mower™ 3.0. With The Lawn Mower 3.0, you're getting an advanced, powerful, downright sexy piece of machinery. It will serve as the cornerstone of your below-the-waist routine. To help you understand what makes this the best trimmer for men, we're going to break down the top ten engineering features in this trimmer. Some are brand new. Some are a reimagining of classic good ideas. All of them will help you groom better.
The powerful, yet quiet motor
The Lawn Mower series has always aimed to pack as much power as possible into a handheld body trimmer. It's a signature move. The Lawn Mower 3.0 lives up to that tradition, and it features an even higher RPM rate than the 2.0. You can now manicure your underbrush with 7,000 RPM.
The high rotation rate allows the blades to make more cuts as you push the trimmer through the brush; this reduces the propensity for the blades clogging and tugging on your pubic hair. We tend to think that's a good thing.
There's usually a downside to increasing the power of a motor. Bigger, faster motors create more noise, have stronger vibrations, and generate more heat. The Lawn Mower 3.0 deals with these issues with our special QuietStroke™ technology. We've found a crafty way to dampen the vibrations; this reduces the noise and some of the extra heat (we'll talk about the rest later). It leaves you with a more powerful trimmer that cuts hair more effectively, and it still doesn't leave your palm tingling when you're done. It allows us to amp up the power without sacrificing comfort or control.
The ceramic blade

We did not invent the ceramic blade. Instead, we reinvented how such blades can be used in a body hair trimmer. The Lawn Mower 3.0 features a swappable blade head module. The module is extremely easy to switch blades. That comes with a ton of advantages of its own, one of which being that we were able to meticulously design our ceramic blade in an optimized way for the 3.0.
It starts like this. Ceramic blades can be shaped with more freedom than some of their steel counterparts. Using that freedom, we developed SkinSafe® technology. Essentially, this is a design that helps reduce the chance of nicks and cuts. It's possible because the ceramic blade allowed us to craft our unique module.
On top of that, switching to ceramic enables us to craft stronger blades, hold an edge longer, and handle heat better than metal blades could. Put simply; the ceramic blade is a friend with benefits.
Waterproof design
The Lawn Mower 3.0 isn't the only waterproof trimmer that exists. That said, if there's an avenue of convenience that we could put into this trimmer, we did it. We can't let someone else be waterproof while we aren't.
The waterproof design makes trimming as convenient as possible. You can safely use it in the shower if you like (although it may clog your drain). You can also enjoy the cordless design. The proper way to make a trimmer waterproof is to get rid of the cord, so we did. If you've never used a cordless pubic hair trimmer, you'll be surprised at how much it raises the bar on convenience—especially when you're getting some hard-to-reach areas.
The Lawn Mower 3.0 features some wonderful hygienic touches. The waterproof and replaceable blade module both contribute to this. The first is pretty easy to follow. A waterproof trimmer is much easier to clean and sanitize. You don't have to carefully work around the delicate features. You can just wash your trimmer and be done with it, and washing your trimmer is extremely important.
The swappable blade module is a little less obvious, but it's no less important. The simple truth is that you shouldn't groom your entire body with the same blade. Most importantly, you shouldn't trim your face with something that might touch your anus. That should be pretty clear, but if you want to go over the top with hygiene, you want three blade modules. One handles the neck and up, one goes from waist to shoulders, and one does the dirty work below the waist. If you're not that worried about germs (maybe you should be), then a blade for the face and a blade for the body is still a good idea.
The bottom line is that dedicating a blade to each job is easy. Plus, since the blades are ceramic, you can sanitize them with minimal effort.

The long-lasting battery
Upgrading the motor comes with a drawback we didn't yet mention: it sucks a lot more juice out of your battery. If you're going to have a powerful cordless trimmer, you need a battery that can keep it running. While the battery on The Lawn Mower 2.0 was pretty good, it wasn't up to the job demanded by the 3.0. So, we scrapped it.
The new battery can hold a charge of 600mAh. For those who aren't complete science geeks, that means it can run your trimmer for a full 90 minutes of cutting.
Normally, a larger battery would take longer to charge, but as we said, we love convenience. We went ahead and engineered this problem by upgrading the charging dock. It now charges this larger battery faster than the old system charged on the 2.0. It upgrades all around.
Two things go into grip. The first has nothing to do with the materials you're holding. Instead, it's all about shape. We worked hard on the ergonomics of The Lawn Mower 3.0. We know how awkward body trimming can get, so we wanted to give you a trimmer that could handle every weird situation without compromising your control.
To back that up, we also thought long and hard about the second component of grip: the material. The 3.0 has a diamond textured, no-slip grip. Even when drenched in the shower, this thing is easy to hold. It keeps you from slipping while you're at work on your body hair, and that helps you avoid some embarrassing results. You're welcome.
LED lighting
Again, we're not here to take false credit for things. We didn't invent LEDs. But, we had to do some clever engineering to make them truly useful on the Lawn Mower 3.0; this isn't like LED color strips on a car or a computer. These LEDs serve a function.
The lights are designed to make sure that no matter what kind of shadowy place is receiving your grooming attention, you can see what you're doing. All of that work on a no-slip grip would be useless if you were working on pure guesses. Instead, you can always see because your trimmer lights the way.

We've already mentioned some of the safety features baked into The Lawn Mower 3.0. We've put so much energy into it that we want to go ahead and shine a light on the totality of safety that you're getting with this trimmer.
The motor and blade module lead the way. With faster cutting and a better blade, your risk of nicks and cuts is minimized. That's always a good start, but these things are so good that it even reduces the risk of skin irritation. It turns out that hot, vibrating, dull blades are worse for your skin than the superior designs we're using.
The waterproof design and impressive grip also contribute to safety. Having control over your trimmer is an important part of using it safely.
Perhaps most importantly, we made it easy to keep this trimmer clean. No matter what we engineer into the equipment, it's on you to avoid skin infections (even though ceramic blades are safer in this respect than steel). Your skin has a bunch of microbes on it, and your trimmer spreads them around. There's no getting around that fact. If you keep your tools clean, you won't be exposing yourself to microbes that shouldn't be in certain places. That's the very most important safety feature.
We designed The Lawn Mower 3.0 for convenience. Part of that is safety. We figure that an easy-to-clean trimmer might be cleaned more often. That said, we weren't only thinking about safety. We believe in grooming. We want you to succeed in doing it and reap the rewards. To help you with that, we made this thing extremely easy to use.
It's lightweight, portable, and low maintenance. The tool itself will never be an excuse not to groom. Even if you forget to charge it, the fast charging dock will have you up and running too fast to complain. Somedays, you might curse us for taking your excuses away, but when you're about to have some special alone time with a significant other, you'll say a silent thank you.
All of these features didn't skyrocket the price of the trimmer. The Lawn Mower 3.0 will still be part of The Perfect Package 3.0. You can get this exquisitely engineered trimming tool, along with its complimenting support suit, all for a reasonable price. That's the most impressive thing we did. We gave you an amazing resource that is still accessible.
Those are our ten features. You got some bonus engineering in there, but the point should be pretty clear. The Lawn Mower 3.0 is an amazing male grooming tool. You can get all of the latest features, and it's still made, sold, and supported by your favorite men's grooming company. We gladly encourage you to spend some time at Manscaped.com. Check out the latest developments in the tools we're designing, and be sure to keep up with the blog for important news on grooming, style, and life in general.