You have hair in your nose. It’s normal and natural, and unless you have less-than-common health things related to your nose, the hair is there, and it’s likely to grow over time.
Knowing all of this, you might be ok with your nose hair. You might appreciate that it’s natural and normal, and we get that. In fact, as much as we’re about to preach to you about trimming nose hair, we’re not going to suggest that you get rid of it entirely. It’s actually pretty useful.
But, you can actually have the best of both worlds. If you trim, rather than remove, your nose hair, you can keep the natural benefits, and you can add some additional positives to your life. In fact, trimming your nose hair comes with health benefits and social benefits, all of which are well within your grasp.
Health benefits from trimming nose hair.
Let’s start by talking about health benefits, but to do that, we have to be clear. Nose hairs exist for a reason. They keep some dirt and stuff from getting into your sinuses and giving you horrendous allergies, so you don’t want to completely remove nose hair.
But, if you trim in a reasonable way, you can actually add health benefits that make your life a little easier and more comfortable. It’s all about hitting that sweet spot, and with that in mind, there are two specific things you can enjoy when you trim properly.
Trimming clears nostrils.
Let’s not oversell this. Nose hairs are not the only thing that can give you a stuffy or clogged nose, and trimming the hairs won’t completely change how your nose works. This is a minor benefit.
Having said that, it’s a minor benefit worth considering. Nose hairs exist to trap dust and other things so that none of that makes it to your sinuses. The problem is that when your nose hairs get long enough, they trap too much stuff, and it constricts airflow a little bit. At the risk of sounding gross, this is really a problem when your hairs are trapping a bunch of snot that ends up getting dry and crusty, right there in the nostrils.
Long story short, when you trim the hairs, they can still do what they’re supposed to do, but they don’t become problematic.
Will this change your life? Probably not, but maybe.
What it can do is help you sleep a little better, and as we all know, better sleep is invaluable.
Trimming gives you comfort.
Everything mentioned above comes back in the form of comfort. Long nose hairs tickle your nostrils and can drive you crazy. Crusty boogers trapped in your nose hairs are infinitely worse. You can pretend like that’s never happened, but we know better. It’s a problem, and it can drain your mental stamina throughout the day.
Even though these are minor problems, minor problems can add up. Why not trim a little? It solves these minor problems, making you feel just a little better throughout the day. Why not feel that little bit better?
Social benefits from trimming nose hair.
The health benefits that stem from trimming nose hairs aren’t overwhelming, but they’re certainly nice. They’re also not the end of the story. There are more benefits that exist in more of a social space. Several aspects of your life might be better if you consistently manage your nose hair.
You’ll look better.
This is not a complicated problem. Nose hairs are physically unappealing. It’s pretty much a universal notion. Seriously, have you ever met someone who was super into nose hair? There you go.
If you’re the person with gross nose hair, it can keep you from getting a date or turn off a potential partner. Yeah, it sucks that dating can be like that, but that’s just how things are, and a simple trim can eliminate something that doesn’t really need to be a problem for you.
You’ll be more confident.
In fact, this translates into more than just dating. You know that your nose hairs are gross and annoying, so when you get them under control, you’ll feel a little better about yourself. Even small confidence boosts can translate into good things for you.
Confidence helps your love life, helps you make friends, helps you enjoy the moment, and it can even help you do better at work.
Sure, trimming your nose hair won’t give you infinite confidence and instantly redirect your whole life, but it’s one more thing working for you instead of against you. Take every win you can get.
Tips for trimming nose hair.
That covers the importance of trimming your nose hairs. If you’re on board, then you might want to know the best way to go about this. When it comes to hair removal, you have tons of options, but most of them are awful. You don’t want to pluck or wax your nostrils. That hurts, damages a sensitive part of your body, and removes the hair completely. Let’s remember that those hairs are providing a health benefit.
The answer is trimming, and for that you can use scissors or an electric trimmer. Go electric. In fact, we recommend one trimmer in particular to make all of this simple.
Use the Weed Whacker® 2.0.
This is actually the only tip you need. The Weed Whacker® 2.0 is precisely engineered for nose hairs. It will quickly, easily, and painlessly shorten your hairs, but it won’t over-trim. It’s predesigned to get the length right so that your hairs can still provide health benefits without creating problems at the same time.
Turn on the trimmer, put it in each nostril, and marvel at how quickly and effortlessly you can gain all of the benefits we’ve discussed today.