Male grooming has evolved quickly.
Just a decade or so ago, men were arguing whether or not it was socially acceptable to groom themselves with the same care and attention as the other sex. Whelp, we’re here to spread the news that not only is it socially acceptable, it’s necessary. Male grooming goes hand-in-hand with full-body hygiene, full-body confidence, and self-care, so we’re kind of fans.
We are glad that male grooming is getting its well-deserved spotlight, but we know that means the men of the world might have some questions.
Don’t worry, at MANSCAPED™ we do this for a living and we’ve put a ton of legwork into making sure our advice is legit. To that end, we’re going to dive into a little tutorial about trimming vs. shaving some main areas on that man bod of yours:
- Face
- Chest
- Back
- Butt
- Groin
Look at that face
Yes, your face.
Odds are, men have probably been grooming their faces longer than any other body part. This makes sense because it seems like the face is the one area most male grooming has been centered around for quite some time.
Step 1: Dedicated face trimmer
For your face, if you have a beard, we recommend a dedicated trimmer for your face (well, we always recommend a separate trimmer for your face, but if you don’t have a beard, well - you get our point). This is a trimmer just for your beard and neck—that’s it.
Cross-contaminating razors from your face to your body is an easy way to spread all sorts of nastiness, so let’s just not. You don’t want something like athlete’s foot on your face or some other fun bacteria or infection spreading around.
If you have a beard, we recommend keeping the hair on your jawline longer than anywhere else on your beard. There should be a clear distinction between your beard and your neck. This also means paying attention to your sideburns as they can sometimes get bushy and grow outwards creating a poofy look.
For trimming your face, we have a whole article devoted just to that for you to read, but there are a few main steps to highlight:
- Wash your face and beard (you want to start with a clean working space)
- Use a beard comb to comb all the hair down (this helps the hair lay flat and you’ll start to notice hairs that are longer)
- Use the adjustable guards that come with your trimmer and take a little off at a time, paying attention to overall shape and thickness

Step 2: Dedicated face razor
Just like we recommend a dedicated trimmer for your face, we also recommend having a dedicated razor for your face for the same reasons.
What we’ve been seeing from observing thousands upon thousands of beards and male faces is that most guys with beards shave their whole neck starting about an inch or so below the jawline. If you have a short beard, your line of distinction between clean-shaven and beard needs to be sharper. If you have a long, full beard, you can have fuzzier necklines.
To shave, never, ever, ever dry shave. That’s a recipe for razor burn which we’d like everyone to avoid. Wet your face, use some shaving gel, and make sure you have a clean, sharp razor. We have a detailed article about shaving techniques as well for some additional light reading.
After shaving, make sure to use a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
Let’s get some things off your chest (Hair, that is)
A man’s chest is arguably one of the easier parts to groom because most guys just want to keep it under control.
However, you can totally go for it and shave your chest completely, a lot of guys do, especially athletes.
Step 1: Trimming your chest
For trimming, since your chest is different from your face, we recommend a dedicated body hair trimmer like The Lawn Mower® 4.0. The idea behind trimming your chest hairs is that you’re reducing length and bushiness. If you have someone who likes to cuddle on your chest we bet you don’t want them sucking your chest hair up their nose because it’s so unruly. Or maybe you have a partner that’s into that.
Use the longer adjustment guards on your trimmer and start thinning that chest hair out. Trim it down a little so it’s a nice, inviting surface. Would you want to put your head on your chest? Maybe that should be your guiding question.
Step 2: Shaving your chest
We’ve seen a few trends regarding men who shave their chests:
- First, a lot of guys with lighter hair or less chest hair seem to have an easier time maintaining a shaved chest.
- Second, remember your chest is not the only hair part on your torso, you have your belly and that oh, so fun happy trail of yours. Think through what this surface is going to look like if you shave the upper part, but not the rest.
Shaving takes time and needs to happen more often than trimming. While beard stubble is one thing, chest, belly, and happy trail stubble is something else. To shave your chest, follow the directions for trimming first and your goal is to trim the hair down as far as you can. This will make shaving easier because you won’t be pulling your hair and your razor won’t clog up as much.
In our humble opinions, though, unless you need to be hairless to shave a second off your race time or it’s a special request from your partner, trim the chest/belly/happy trail instead of shaving.
If you're set on a smooth front, waxing or permanent hair removal might actually be a better choice for you. And yes, we’ve got an article on that as well.
We’ve got your back, but it might be more difficult for you
Ah, the back. This one seems to be more of a partner preference and confidence booster. If you have been blessed with no back hair genes, everyone hates you, and skip to the next section. If you’re like most of us and have angel wings or a full-on coat back there, we’re here to help.
If you have a willing and supportive partner or roommate, trimming and shaving your back might be able to be done in your own bathroom. It involves the same steps as we’ve already discussed. Trim first as far as you can and then shave. Make sure you have a wet surface, use shaving gel, and have a clean, sharp razor.
For those of you who are left on your own, there are professional waxing services that we recommend for this part of your body.
A man’s back should ideally be smooth from the shoulders to the butt.
If you shave, remember to use a post-shave moisturizer like our UltraPremium™ Body Spray.
Speaking of your butt…
A little butt peach fuzz is fine, but nobody’s crack should have tufts sticking out and you shouldn’t really be able to comb your butt hair into a ‘do.
Go to the mirror and turn around. If you say, eh, I think it’s fine, you might want a second opinion.
Your butt should be easier to trim and shave than your back, but again, if you have a supportive partner, you might be able to get some help. Do them a favor later. Heck, shaving your butt is a favor, but maybe dinner out, too.
Butt hair trimming and shaving is not rocket science. Use the trimmer to get the hair as short as possible, then hop in the shower, soap up that ass, and shave. We’ve seen a few techniques such as dudes squatting over a mirror, leaning against the wall, or putting up one leg to focus on one cheek at a time.
When you’re done, finish your shower, dry off with a towel, and then we suggest air drying before applying moisturizer.
Last, but not least
Dadadada, the groin! This is probably our most popular male grooming area to discuss and our specially designed products and tools keep your nether regions in mind, don’t worry.
As a grown man, pubic hair is natural and expected, but calming it down is recommended. No untamed forest man bushes needed, ok? Trust us.
Step 1: Trim
Grab your body-hair designated trimmer, The Lawn Mower® 4.0, and get ready for grooming greatness. Use the adjustable guards and trim to the desired length (or again, ask your partner for their opinion). We suggest trimming over a disposable mat to keep your bathroom floor pube-free and are just going to leave the link to our Magic Mat® here.
Step 2: Shave parts
Now, hop in the shower, rinse everything off, use soap or body wash to get all clean, and get ready to shave some bits. We’re specifically talking about your shaft and balls. Of anything in the groin area, those two are perfect for shaving.
We know, we know, you might be a little nervous, but take your time. We have a convenient CLEAR groin area shaving gel called Crop Gel™ and use a sharp and clean razor (different from the one you use on your face!)
Word to the wise: Stubble on your nuts is wildly unpleasant, so don’t commit to shaving your shaft and balls unless you’re ready to make it part of your grooming routine. We recommend shaving every few days to keep the area smooth.
Post shave, remember to dry completely, and then apply a moisturizer like Crop Reviver® to keep that sensitive area fresh and feeling good all day.
Um, there are still other hairy areas (Haireas?)
The idea with trimming and shaving is that you technically can do it for any head or body hair. If you need to trim and/or shave your arms, go for it. Your legs? Go for it.
The methods for trimming and shaving across the body are extremely similar, just remember the pros and cons of trimming vs. shaving, and make the best decision for you:
Trimming pros
- Reduces the risk of razor burn
- Reduces the risk of razor bumps
- Avoids cuts/nicks from an actual razor
- Not as itchy as you are not shaving the hair follicle
- You won’t need to replace your trimmer blade as frequently as your razor blade
Trimming cons
- Not getting as clean of a shave (there will still be hair present after trimming as you’re not fully removing it)
- You’ll have to trim more frequently to keep things from becoming unruly again
Shaving pros
- Closer shave (the ability to clean shave and get your smooth skin back)
- Regular exfoliation of your skin in preparation for razor contact (removal of dead skin cells is a good thing)
- Less hair = less sweat and buildup of other bacteria and odors
Shaving cons
- Sensitive skin may pay a bigger price as a close shave can lead to irritation, razor burn, bumps, etc.
- Risk of rashes/itchiness
- Cuts & nicks
- Ingrown hairs
- Shaving cream/gel required
- Post-shave moisturizer required
We never said male grooming was effortless or that there is no thought involved. Figure out what is best for your body and start adding that to your grooming routine. This is also a massive overview of trimming vs. shaving, so make sure to check out the rest of our blog to zoom in on a specific question or area of your body.